Dawar Theatre Troupe

The Dawar Playback Theatre Troupe was founded in 2016 and is dedicated to the use of participatory theatre for promoting community health and social change. Its members include actors, dancers, musicians and directors with a background in applied theatre.

The troupe holds regular public performances at Dawar. It also conducts tailored workshops and special performances for communities impacted by violence, war, and displacement.

The Dawar Playback Theatre Troupe has partnered with the United Nations Population Fund, the United Nations World Food Program, Care International, Ruwwad Egypt and Medfest to deliver performances and workshops for diverse communities in Cairo and Alexandria.


Playback Theatre involves a collaborative process whereby audience members volunteer true stories from their own lives. A team of actors and musicians subsequently transform each account into a short, improvised enactment that honors and illuminates the teller’s original experience. The Playback Theatre method was first developed by Jonathan Fox and Jo Salas in 1975. It is now used in over 60 countries as a way to promote community, healing and dialogue. Numerous initiatives are also using Playback to address racial discrimination, violence against women, climate change and other issues. At the heart of Playback is a deep appreciation for the role of personal story in building connections between people and cultures.


To commission a Playback Theatre performance, workshop, or longer-term intervention, please email info@dawararts.com